Climate Mitigation
Q1: How to reduce embedded carbon in imported goods?
If we are to avoid the disastrous consequences of climate change, we must keep our total carbon emissions to within a budget of 1,000 trillion tonnes globally. Yet half of this budget has been used up since the industrial revolution and on current trends the rest will be used up in the next few decades. Hong Kong is a high consumption society, ranking second in terms of carbon footprint per capita if embedded carbon in imported goods is taken into account. The challenge is for Hong Kong to reduce carbon emissions and be able to maintain social well-being at the same time.
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Tax On High Carbon Product / Non Registry
Tax is a hard control that forcing all parties not to produce or consume high carbon product. However, due to the conflict of interest, achieve universal buy in is critical to success.
shorten logistic way
The longer the products travel, the more carbon emission
Incentive Scheme to Retailer
Incentive scheme may include both tangible or non-tangible reward to retailer, such as tax deduction or company reward. Retailers are expected to be triggered to import larger proportion of green food or products which can reduce the embedded carbon by changing consumer behaviour.
Supplier Registry
The supplier registration enables retailers and consumer understand the supplier's carbon footprint, therefore provide options to public to select a responsible supplier and product, and ultimately trigger suppliers not only to pursue profit but to be responsible to all stakeholders.
Set Objective for Reducing Embedded Carbon
This is essential to understand the current condition and how does it to be affected by target reducing. Get the statistic information, reduce the right things in target, do the right things and do the things right. Otherwise, outcome may not be significant.
Carbon Labeling and Registration System

1. Product labeling

2. Registration system

3. Carbon credit system

*The above ideas were contributed by the participants during "InnoJam" facilitated by IAF HK on July 4th.
ET (Embedded Carbon Teaching)
This project aims to educate the public about embedded carbon and how to reduce the embedded carbon in imported goods.

1. Local Goods Reality Show
Inviting citizens and celebrities to take up the challenge - living on local goods for a week! This experience will be documented in the form of film.

2. Local Product Film Shooting
Having trouble finding local goods? This film will introduce you to some amazing local goods!

3. Product's Raw Materials Detective
Will be designed as a game/ competition for school children.

4. Carbon Edutainment in School and Public
Raising awareness in a fun way!

*The above ideas were contributed by the participants during "InnoJam" facilitated by IAF HK on July 4th.