Climate Mitigation
Q2: How to improve energy efficiency in import and retail business?
If we are to avoid the disastrous consequences of climate change, we must keep our total carbon emissions to within a budget of 1,000 trillion tonnes globally. Yet half of this budget has been used up since the industrial revolution and on current trends the rest will be used up in the next few decades. Hong Kong is a high consumption society, ranking second in terms of carbon footprint per capita if embedded carbon in imported goods is taken into account. The challenge is for Hong Kong to reduce carbon emissions and be able to maintain social well-being at the same time.
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Reduce energy consumption in office and retail business.
We proactively use monitoring process thru technology to lower the energy consumption. A great example for retailers is using people counting technology to understand the no. of visitors in all areas, no all areas need air-condition (AC), the areas that have low visiting rate should be considered giving the lowest air-condition by turning the AC down instead of turning it up. Thermal imager is another device to be used for scanning areas with air-conditioners, where are not supposed to get such low temperature when there is no need of that. By visualizing the status of the current temperature, we can smartly allocate our AC.
Green Road to Customers
produce more food locally (less transport); source locally made products and services, electric vehicles to have re-generative power to save energy, electric cars, just in time replenishment system, upgrade heavy transport regulation, nuclear power airship for cargo, shared cargo to space to increase transport efficiency, 减低運輸距離
Green Road to Customers
produce more food locally (less transport); source locally made products and services, electric vehicles to have re-generative power to save energy, electric cars, just in time replenishment system, upgrade heavy transport regulation, nuclear power airship for cargo, shared cargo to space to increase transport efficiency, 减低運輸距離
Green Road to Customers
produce more food locally (less transport); source locally made products and services, electric vehicles to have re-generative power to save energy, electric cars, just in time replenishment system, upgrade heavy transport regulation, nuclear power airship for cargo, shared cargo to space to increase transport efficiency, 减低運輸距離
Green Building and Logistics
- Renewable energy and energy saving for logistic arrangements;
- High Efficiency or high COP motor or chiller;
- Non air-conditioning area e.g. in restaurant;
- Green Design Guidelines for shops
- Use solar energy and nono technology for lighting system;
- Reduce traditional lighting system for advertising ;
- Demand response programmes for non-essential utility needs;
- Compressed work weeks to reduce energy use;
- Just make fresh air supply;
- People counting technology (air-conditiononly for crowded area)

Green data transparency
- Apply carbon label for every products;
- Operational data labelling for buildings
Uncatagorized ideas (so without project names yet)
- shopping mall temp. @26
- online shop
- motion detectors for switching or dimming, lowering supply....
- self-producing and local production
- use thermal camera to find out energy wastes items
- 3D printer in each family
- minimize the usage of packaging materials
- sell durable and recycle products
- LED or efficient LIGHTING
- digitial technology use instead of conference travels
- sensor driven lighting and A/C
- shared offices
- Advanced tech for A/C i.e. magnetic sensor driven
- Incentisify customer to consume less
設立「社區雪櫃」 食物分享

其實,除了把廚餘回收外,不同國家的人發起不同方式去減少浪費食物,從而減低因廚餘所帶來的環境問題。其中,德國的一個民間組織「惜食人」(Lebensmittelretter) 意識到不少人家中雪櫃放置太多食物,最終因壞掉而被迫棄置的情況,於是從2012年起,在全國各地社區街頭、小店設立了100多個食物分享站,其中有一半設有任何人都可以隨意打開的「社區雪櫃」,鼓勵市民把家中一些多餘而可安全食用的食物放在雪櫃,讓有需要的陌生人享用。除此之外,他們亦主動聯絡德國各地的超市商舖參與行動,讓更多有需要的人得到食物供應。通過「社區雪櫃」及食物分享行動,該組織在2013年合共減少了約1000噸食物浪費,而到了今年此數目已超過2000噸。而類似的食物分享行動亦於多國陸續發展,如西班牙、瑞士、比利時等。


• 綠色先鋒:社區雪櫃 惜食減廢
• 「惜食人」(Lebensmittelretter) (德文):
• 惜食省大錢 英政府顧問:減碳從減少廚餘開始